Here Is One Way We Can Empower Students To Leverage The Internet To Make Research Meaningful
As I sat with an 11th grade student in my Entrepreneur Studio Course, he started to share with me how he wants to figure out how Artificial Intelligence (AI) could help people fully control their dreams. It’s a mindblowing idea, but where do you start? He has no clue, and as I try to keep up the persona that educators, or any “expert” knows everything I start asking him questions. Not questions he needs to answer, but rather questions he needs to act on. A big challenge in life is not knowing what you don’t know. So what do you do when you don’t know something? Not just young people, adults too underestimate the power of the internet to find answers they need or even ones they didn’t know they needed. The number one response to nearly 80% of questions in my courses is “Google It”. Should I know everything, or should I know where to find anything? Digital and Internet literacy is as fundamental as writing and reading. So where do you start? How do you become a Google search ninja?